Sunday, January 5, 2014

2013 wrap up & looking forward "Resolutions"

So, this post is a few days late.  I couldn't think of anything to say on New Year's Eve, and my plans for New Year's changed at the last moment, so I don't have any amazing outfits to post ;) To be honest, 2013 was more than a little difficult for me.  And, over the holidays, I felt a strong desire to just "be" in the moment, rather than thinking "I need to post this on Instagram/Twitter/my blog/AsosFashionFinder" whatever. It was nice to not have to frame my life within the limitations of social media.  It's so refreshing to just STOP, feel the cold winter air, smile at the person next to you, and enjoy dinner or coffee without posting it to a photo-sharing site.

And I have to say, while I love it, I'm quite tired of being addicted to my iPhone.  One of my resolutions is to stop wasting time on the Internet and Interwebz, and start getting down to business.  I'm very good at tricking myself into thinking that I am "busy," when in fact I am just procrastinating and wasting time.  It's so easy these days, with an entire world available to me via my computer.

Two of my biggest accomplishments this year were:

  • learning to crochet, and making a lot of scarves and some afghans for charity, and also for family and friends at Christmastime.

detail of a crocheted granny square "lapghan" I made for a local charity,
to be given to shut-ins at Christmas.
2014 is going to be my "get SH*T DONE" year.  It's my year of finally getting my personal photography website up and live, actually making a capsule collection of clothing, instead of just talking about it, writing and drawing more, learning new software, being more active and wearing more color.  My big "spiritual" goal is to be more compassionate, more heart-centered, and more accepting of myself and others.  You read it here first.  Now I've committed to it in writing! I'll have to check back next year and see if I was able to accomplish these things... ;)

I'll spare you the graphic details, but it was indeed a year of ups and downs, I was dealing with a lot of issues: from illness, to crippling anxiety and depression, financial woes...the usual culprits.  But it was also a year of fresh starts, healing, centering, sorting things out, and sharpening focus.

That being said, I'm going to be taking a little break from blogging & social media for a while.  No reason in particular, just need to focus inward and get back into doing some hands-on activities, and maybe "detox" a little from technology.  It's a time for introspection, self-healing and peace. A new beginning, with infinite possibilities.